My trivia and facts on the Universe. Asteroids, black holes, distances, galaxies, light, Mars rovers, Moon landings, stars, Titan, Voyager program, and other Universe trivia and facts.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Observable Universe
The observable Universe is the furthest we can see with the largest telescopes, because light (or other signals) from those objects has had time to reach us.
Universe Terms
Universe - facts 7
The diameter of the observable Universe is currently estimated to be 93 billion light years. This is approximately 558,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles (558 sextillion miles).
Universe Facts,
Universe Size
Monday, December 19, 2011
Galaxies - facts 8
Some galaxies are as far as 13 billion light years away from us.
Galaxies Facts
A galaxy is made up of a massive amount of gas, dust, stars, planets, and other objects. They are held together by their own gravity.
Universe Terms
Homogeneously means that the matter in the Universe is spread uniformly when averaged over large distances.
Universe Terms
Monday, December 5, 2011
Extrasolar planet
An extrasolar planet is a planet that is outside the Solar System.
Universe Terms
A super-Earth is an extrasolar planet that has a mass higher than Earth's but less than the gas giants in the Solar System.
Universe Terms
Friday, December 2, 2011
A quasar is a very distant object that is extremely luminous and looks star-like in appearance.
Universe Terms
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Absolute zero
Absolute zero is the lowest theoretical temperature possible. It is 0 on the Kelvin scale. This is -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit or -273.15 degrees Celsius.
Universe Terms
Jupiter - trivia 3
1) In what direction does the Great Red Spot on Jupiter rotate?
a) clockwise
b) counterclockwise
c) stationary
Check comments for the answer.
a) clockwise
b) counterclockwise
c) stationary
Check comments for the answer.
Jupiter Trivia
Cosmic microwave background radiation
Cosmic microwave background radiation is radiation that fills the entire Universe, believed to be left over from the Big Bang.
Universe Terms
Elementary particle
An elementary particle is a particle that cannot be subdivided into anything smaller.
Universe Terms